Thursday, March 13, 2008

flickr foto

Like a Candle

I choose this picture because it was photographed and published by one of our former patrons. She does beautiful work!
This is a great format for people to communicate and share.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

71/2 Habits

I think the easiest habits for me are to accept responsibility for my learning and creating my own toolbox. These are easier habits for me because of my work environment. Working at the library is a great place to gain confidence, take responsiblity for our learning and also to gain tools to become a lifelong learner. The hardest habit for me is to see problems as challenges rather than roadblocks. I tend to think that if I can't get it perfect the first time, I shouldn't try. So I think this will be a good program to practice all these habits and to make me more aware of the ones I need to work on.